L’ ”ematuria” è definita come la presenza di sangue nelle urine. Può essere di due tipi: Macroematuria (o ematuria macroscopica): La quantità di sangue è così elevata da alterare il colore delle urine che assumono un aspetto francamente rosso scuro/marrone, “a lavatura di carne”, “color coca-cola”. Microematuria (o ematuria microscopica): il quantitativo di sangue eliminato è minimo e […]


If you need a Medical Certificate to partecipate in competitions in Italy or not (marathon, half-marathon, Triathlon, Ironman…) please send an email to info@leonardomedical.it or call at +39 340 8312029 to have more information.

We can give you a Certificate like this (or other type):

Based on a physical examination done on today which included in particular:

  • Full medical sport check-up
  • Cardiac stress test with electrocardiogram
  • Lung spirometry test
  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Urine stick test

Doctor declares that:
MR / MRS / (name, last name), BORN IN (city, nation), ON (day/month/year) RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS
is in good health and fit to compete in (example) Running/Marathon competition (in accordance with Italian law D.M. 18/02/82 and D.M. 24/04/2013)

This certificate is valid for a period of one year


Dr C.Roaul Aiello